Tuesday, July 12, 2011

will you raise your hand three times? // 2011.07.13

Click here for this day's Bible readings.

Imagine yourself in a lively concert...

The band suddenly stops playing and the artist asks, "How many of you think Mother Teresa would soon be recognized a saint?" Would you raise your hand?

Then the artist asks, "How many of you think that God is calling you to be a saint?" Would you raise your hand?

Finally the artist asks, "How many of you think that you will be recognized as a saint?" Would you raise your hand?

Chris Padgett did that in one of his concerts. A lot of people raised their hands for the first two questions, but very few did for the last question. They believed in Mother Teresa and recognize that God wants them to be a saint like her, but they don't find themselves realizing that in their lives.

Let's look at Moses again for a while. Moses was a Hebrew who got adopted into the Pharaoh's family. Naturally, a lot of the Hebrews would hate him since they probably hated the Pharoah and everything connected to him straight to the bones. Moses finds out he was actually a Hebrew and ends up killing an Egyptian. The Pharaoh finds out and all of a sudden he is a criminal on the run.

Moses tries to rebuild his life outside Egypt, but the guilt of murdering someone probably haunted him a lot of times. And even if it didn't, he probably was afraid the Pharaoh's soldiers would find him and kill him, so that probably doesn't help make life outside any easier. Suddenly, God appears to him and asks him to be his prophet and set His people in Egypt free. Two things probably entered Moses' mind because of his situation -- that he's not worthy and that he'll probably just die if he returns to Egypt.

Naturally, Moses refuses and tells God, "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and lead the children of Israel out of Egypt?” God answers him, "I will be with you." We all know what happens next... Moses lead God's people out of Egypt!

Did you raise your hand in all three questions? If not, will you let God be with you just as He was with Moses? Will you let Him do the impossible of taking you out of your Egypt and into His loving arms? Pray and ask Him to take your hand right now and do miracles with your life and the people around you.

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