Monday, July 18, 2011

the quest for the lost gold bars

It seems everybody wants to be rich lately. Well, there's nothing wrong with that, especially if you're planning to share your riches to those in need. Unfortunately, as I often notice, most people lose sight of one thing -- why they want to be rich.

Two versions. First, those who attempt to be rich but eventually lose sight of their heroic reasons. These are the people who had good intentions, but eventually got lost somewhere along the way. Sometimes with full awareness, most of the time, without them even noticing it. Second version. Those who from the very beginning see getting rich as their goal in life. Those who end their purpose in getting rich. They got lost even before they started.

But Mother Teresa tells us... “God does not call us to be successful but to be faithful.” Anything short of God is nothing. As one of my fave line goes... “if you're not happy without it, you'll never be happy with it.” Never forget that only God suffices... for “our hearts are restless until they rest in God.”

You may have everything in the world, but if you lose sight of what is truly essential you'll just find yourself empty, wondering what in the world is missing in your life. You don't have to take my word for it. Just look at the saints who defined being rich in very radical ways. What they found were the real gold bars.

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