Monday, July 18, 2011

the miracle failed // 2011.07.18

Click here to read this day's readings.

Moses did a lot of miracles before Pharaoh, and ultimately showed God's great power over the false gods of Egypt. The ten plagues, concluding with the angel of death, prooved that the Egyptians were worshipping the wrong god. The Pharaoh had no choice but to let the Israelites go.

Faced with such circumstance, the Pharaoh had an opportunity to change his heart. He could've realized the wrong things they've done, set the Israelites free without any problems, and even invite them back if they want an Egyptian vacation. Unfortunately, that meant accepting that he is not god and letting go of that title. He was too used to bieng a god that he refused to accept the real one.

The Israelites actually had the same dilemma. They've been slaves and have been used to being slaves for a long time that they don't mind doing it if it means no additional work for them. Unfortunately, having to walk with no visible sign of food and no visible path to walk on made them doubt God.

Immediately they ignored God. In fact, we'll see that despite the miracles that God did in this episode, they'll still go back to their old ways once put in a corner. It doesn't come as a surprise then that Jesus said no sign will be given to an evil and unfaithful generation.

Miracles, great wonders... they are all good, but they can only do as much. They can change the mind, but they can never change the heart. Only the person can do that for himself. In other words, that is a decision all of us need to take.

God is continuously calling us, giving us opportunities to accept Him and find joy. The question is if we will be part of the flock whose hearts are too heartened to accept God despite the miracles,or not.

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