Saturday, July 9, 2011

may i please know who the real God is?

The sticker I once saw in a vehicle read, "God is Love", and when a friend of mine was asked what love is, he mentioned that line and found himself in the middle of laughters. Everyone thought he was being a comedian.

Maybe they were expecting a different reply. Maybe they've seen it too many times in a sticker to take it seriously. Or could it be that romance was the only thing they could connect with love. Deep inside, they could be asking how could God "truly" be a God of love.

The thing is that everybody who believes in the existence of God recognizes, or has a minute idea, that God does love us, but most of them feel a lack of experience with regards to this so-called Infinite Love.

Jesus died on the cross for them, but they never seemed to lose sleep not knowing what it really meant for all of us. Could it be that it is this deficient image of God that makes them feel lacking something, whether they are aware of it or not? Does God really love us?

an out-of-this-world God

I'm here on earth on a struggle. God is in heaven. What does that say to you? That He's far away and doesn't understand you?

Most people see God as someone that's out of reach, someone so high and far away he couldn't possibly come down for them. "He created me, that's all. What I do and what happens to me doesn't really matter to him. Does he even care if I exist?"

how could God do this?

The universal question, "Why do bad things happen, even to good people most of the time?" If God is so peachy at love, why is the world in its state of desolation? "Why did he let this or that happen to me?"

Most people even see God as someone who's always monitoring us, waiting for us to do something wrong so he can punish us or make us suffer for the wrong things we have done. They feel they can never do something right in the eyes of God. "Where's the freedom everybody's been talking about?"

give me this, give me that

Christmas is always just around the corner. I'm sure most of us are already making our give lists and wish lists. After all, Christmas is a season of giving.

Unfortunately, most people see God merely as this--a Santa Claus in heaven. His only reason for existence is to give me what I want and to take away what I don't. He's pretty much like the distant God, but he's practically there to be my benefits bank!

God is Love!

But is God merely an alien in our lives? Is he a sadist architect and king? Is he a big fat relief operator? Or is He really what Love is all about, and that we only fail to recognize Him because we have been given distorted images of God?

According to Dr. Carolyn Thomas, dysfunctional families, distorted religious education, and stressful states of life can do just that--shatter our image of a faithful and loving God.

Scripture tells us that God, who lacked nothing, created man out of love. God was complete; He was perfect. It was not necessary for Him to create man to be happy.

God loved us first, and it is because of Him that we have learned how to love (1 Jn 4:8). And when all of us have failed miserably at accepting and returning His love, He sent His only begotten Son to redeem us (Jn 3:16).

life in continuity

A carpenter gathers wood and builds a chair. When he is done with it and leaves it, it remains what it was made of--wood.

Consider this thought... We were created from nothing. If God would leave us, we would be left with what we were made of--nothing! That means that God keeps us in existence all of the time. If He would ever leave us, we would cease to exist. But He doesn't because He loves us whoever we are.

it was good

When God created everything, He saw that they were good. You are right--a loving God could never be the source of evil. Evil is the result of wrong decisions--wrong decisions not necessarily yours.

But why does God permit evil? Because nothing can separate us from the love of God (Rom 8:35f). Becuase He can still do greater good in our lives even after sin if we only remain in Him.

a personal touch

God has written your name on the palm of His hands (Is 49:16). He knows you more than anyone could ever know you. He even knows the number of hairs in your head!

Yes, He is there to give you what you want. But more than that, He is there to give you what you need even when you don't ask of it.
Yesterday, Today and Forever

God will always be the same (Heb 13:8). That means that His love for you will never change whatever happens. He loved you even before you were conceived, and will remain to do so even after your death. He will never leave you even if you think He will.

a gift to be received

We all have images of God that fall short of who He really is. It is that which we need to heal with His help. For even if we may not know His infinite love, He gives it nevertheless.

St. Augustine once said that our hearts are restless unless it rests in God. This is because God loves us personally and desires that we live life to the fullest (Jn 10:10).

Only God can ever fill us. But just as every gift is received only when we open the box and decide to experience what's inside, we must also continue to walk towards Him.

Who's the real God? Ask Him. You might be surprised of the great love you will find!

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